everybody has someone or something that they run to for advice. be it a parent, friend, co-worker, neighbor, parish priest, a book, the internet, divine beings, and a multitude of others...
sometimes advice are thrown into you even if you are not asking for it. the intention might be noble, like if they truly care about you and you are too engrossed to acknowledge that you need advice. but others just want to meddle in your affairs.
sometimes, you really have no idea on how to proceed so you look for someone who might. a person to lay out some options so that you can make an informed decision.
but most often, you already know what to do. you just seek advice so as to affirm that you are making the right choice. this affirmation provides you comfort in the step you are about to take. and if something goes wrong, you can trick yourself into thinking that the burden is not entirely yours.
have you ever noticed how easy it is for people to dish out advice rather than taking one? no matter how good an advisor is, when it comes to their own lives, they won't be able to put their words into action. this is because saying is one thing, but doing is something else entirely.
some are helpful, some rubbish. but ultimately, what you take is up to you. just keep in mind that no other person can fully understand what you are going through. your emotions, the circumstances that surround you, and how it will affect your life will fall on no one else but you.
Now playing: Audioslave - Like a Stone
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