lets say your friends are shallow, money-grubbing whores... then most likely you are a deep, philanthropist saint. right?
a lot can be said about an individual through the company that they keep. so in line with my dissection of friends, let's then move on to the individual and their friends.
most people will make several groups of friends throughout their lifetime. it may come one after the next, several groups at the same time, in some cases groups can merge and form a bigger group or groups might implode and be divided into sub-groups. no matter what group(s) you belong to, this has an impact on you as an individual. so lets just say you know yourself very well... and you consider yourself as an overall good person. you're respectful to your parents, you heed the teachings of your church, you abide by the laws of your country, you don't do harm to others, et cetera.. can you honestly picture yourself having a lewd, rascal, criminal, immoral character as a friend? i doubt it.
friend selection is crucial in the character formation of a person. this will in a way determine who you are, what you want to be, and what you will be. simple enough? well, most people just brush it off and say that a person may be their friend but that doesn't say the he/she is like that... yeah right. you underestimate man's adaptive qualities. try surrounding yourself with a group of nerds... give it a month, it can only go one or the other. either you become a nerd or you crack and get yourself out of the pack.
you might say that you're just hanging out with them because you don't have a choice. you can only pretend to be someone for so long. the fact that you even consider yourself pretending is indicative that you don't like to be associated with that group. so what do you do? disassociate yourself. look for a new group. don't settle. fool yourself long enough and you unknowingly become a part of that group.
man should always be in a search to better (him/her)self. friends can either provide that boost or they might hold you down. you may have had fun but you might end up nowhere in the process... at least you had fun right? well, given the right set of friends, you can have fun while realizing your full potential. now that's the challenging part... finding friends that'll bring out the best in you.
so, who are your friends?
Now playing: The Fray - Look After You
via FoxyTunes