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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious.
– Peter Ustinov

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

aging woes

shit, i'm getting old.

"at some point people should stop celebrating birthdays, it's depressing."

- a bitter remark from an old fart, me.

when you were young, you had a rough timeline of where you'd be at a certain age.
you feel shitty when you realize you are behind schedule or in some cases nowhere near.

planning is relatively easy, it's the execution that's the bitch.

on a timely note, election just ended. and just as the candidates had their platform for change, i also have mine set for this year. and it's also to the tune of reform for the poor. i intend to amass wads of cash... hahaha. not really, just enough so that i could get back on track.

yes, i'm writing again. my gf told me the other day that i should try writing tech articles on the side as an outlet for my inner geek, might get some spare change in the process. hmmm... not really that good of a writer but i'm pretty stoked i have her as a fan :)


fuckin 3-way

for the past few months i have been going back and forth with the idea of what to lust for...

... of course it's a gadget. :)

the decision of what my next phone would be.
price is not an issue, this is just a fantasy. haha, just like one of those conversations you have with your buddies over beer (aka if money was not a factor... which car would you get? or who'd you do, scarlett or megan?)

so, mine would be between these three:

an iphone 4G or HD or whatever the bright minds that gave the name ipad decide on as the name of the 3gs successor.

an htc evo 4G, i realize their initial release would be on CDMA hence will not work on the network here. but give it a couple of months and i'm sure a GSM version would appear for the rest of the countries other than the US.

or an [insert future manufacturer here] windows 7 series phone.

of the three i am currently least interested with the windows mobile since as of writing, they have yet to release a working phone (other than the unbranded demo phone) with actual specs and features that would win me over.

so 2 phones, both reportedly due this 2nd quarter are on my shortlist. maybe writing about them would enlighten me on which is better.

of course the details about the iphone4G is still tightly clad in el-stevo's super secret vault. but thanks to the apple engineer 'losing' the prototype that eventually ended up in gizmodos hands to disassemble and flaunt for a gazillion pageviews, we have a rough idea of what might be next 'magical' phone. yes, i'm obviously not an apple fanboy.

honestly the main thing stopping me from choosing android over iphone is the overwhelming support the iphone has. no, i don't mean support via the ironically named apple geniuses, what i mean is support in the sense that the iphone, having dominated the smartphone market for the past few years, enabled them to build a solid app store and just like the ipod, force other manufacturers/services into iphone compatibility. and i have to admit, some of those apps are pretty darn good. life would be easy choosing the iphone (in a sense) since in most cases, there's an app or accessory available for your needs. i just hate apple's way of thinking. the 'it just works' crap. it dumbs you down. it's like buying a dslr camera that is locked by the manufacturer on AUTO. ok, enough with the apple rant.

the EVO is amazing, specs are top notch, features are worth drooling over. but since andriod is still a minority, the playing field is a bit lopsided. their app marketplace is a long way from catching up with the quantity and quality of iphone apps.

i guess the main question (at least for me) is, could the EVO hold up on its own? even without the help of their app marketplace or other third party accessories?

i say yes! now HTC, build that GSM version of EVO and i'd buy it in a heartbeat (by heartbeat i mean as soon as i save up enough money for it, or find a low/zero interest installment deal! hahaha).


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Movie Therapy

"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind! Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd"

Just had to see that movie again, perfect for when feeling a bit drab, still one of the top movies on my list.