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Tuesday, April 24, 2007


not everything warrants one. sometimes reason may lead us to what is 'right' in accordance with logic. but sometimes, even if reason dictates that the path you are taking is the logical one, it still doesn't feel right. why?

reason is the faculty that sets us apart from other beings on this planet. while this may be a good thing, it complicates our existence all the more. try to think of some of the more cheerful time in your life. many will blurt out high school, some will cite recent experience but if you truly think about it, it was during our early childhood. we had a sense of awareness but reasoning was still on the back seat. we did what we felt like doing and this led us to being truly happy or otherwise truly hurt. simple. as we grew older and responsibilities build up, we had to consider a lot of factors before we can be sound with our decision. now, we see things as pros and cons, risks and benefits, and so on. we also have to be prepared in case our decision backfires, some sort of contingency if all goes awry. but if we had gone through all these then why do we still fail?

some wiseass might argue that it's because no one can really predict what will happen. but my take on this is that we've been cocooning ourselves into logic and reason in a way that our fundamental sense of feeling or instinct has taken the sidelines. simply put, we think too much.

feelings should play a huge part with regards to decision making. you can't 'think' your way to happiness. i had to learn this the hard way. can i make it right?...well, that's another blog for another day...

Now playing: Madonna - This Used to Be My Playground
via FoxyTunes

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